Thank you to all of our Choir Pledge Signatories
The following people pledged to attend only conferences that meet the Choir Pledge Standards.
Anna Smukowski
Anna Smukowski
AttendeeKamales Lardi
Kamales Lardi
AttendeeMitch Ackles
Mitch Ackles
Hedge Fund PR
AttendeeChristina Aleckson
Christina Aleckson
Single Point Financial Advisors
AttendeeSamantha Allen
Samantha Allen
Carson Group
AttendeeLaurie Allen
Laurie Allen
LA Wealth Management
AttendeeElliott Appel
Elliott Appel
Kindness Financial Planning
AttendeeAngela Atherton
Angela Atherton
Parallelle Finance
AttendeeArturo Aupont
Arturo Aupont
AttendeeCurtis Bailey
Curtis Bailey
Quiet Wealth
AttendeeRenée Baker
Renée Baker
Raymond James
AttendeeVincent Barbera
Vincent Barbera
Newbridge Wealth Management
AttendeeLaura Barry
Laura Barry
Wealthspire Advisors
AttendeeMeg Bartelt
Meg Bartelt
Flow Financial Planning
AttendeeElisabetta Basilico
Elisabetta Basilico
AttendeeCorey Beal
Corey Beal
Empowering Finance
AttendeeEssma Bengabsia
Essma Bengabsia
AttendeeMeredith Benton
Meredith Benton
Whistle Stop Capital
AttendeeBrian Berkenhoff
Brian Berkenhoff
Birch Investment Management
AttendeeIan Bloom
Ian Bloom
Open World Financial Life Planning
AttendeeJoelle Boneparth
Joelle Boneparth
Our Tiny Rebellions
AttendeeJess Bost
Jess Bost
Alpha Architect
AttendeeJude Boudreaux
Jude Boudreaux
The Planning Center
AttendeeDiane Bourdo
Diane Bourdo
Humphreys Group
AttendeeLazetta Braxton
Lazetta Braxton
Lazetta & Associates
AttendeeMary Brennan
Mary Brennan
Stone Steps Financial
AttendeeChloe Briel
Chloe Briel
Wealth Enhancement Group
AttendeeBrian Briggs
Brian Briggs
Hartford Funds
AttendeeMegan Brinsfield
Megan Brinsfield
Motley Fool Wealth Management
AttendeeLisa Bruce
Lisa Bruce
AttendeeSteven Buffalohead
Steven Buffalohead
Buffalo Built Design Studio
AttendeeMelissa Buffalohead
Melissa Buffalohead
Buffalo Built Design Studio
AttendeeKyle Burns
Kyle Burns
The Rikoon Group
AttendeeDanielle Burns
Danielle Burns
AttendeeKathleen Burns Kingsbury
Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
KBK Wealth Connection
AttendeeSarah Cain
Sarah Cain
Carson Group
AttendeeTheresa Carey
Theresa Carey
AttendeePati Carr
Pati Carr
Carson Group
AttendeeMatt Carvalho
Matt Carvalho
Cardinal Point Wealth
AttendeeNicole Casperson
Nicole Casperson
AttendeeJustin Castelli
Justin Castelli
RLS Wealth
AttendeeRosa Chalekian
Rosa Chalekian
Lake Avenue Financial
AttendeeMarguerita Cheng
Marguerita Cheng
Blue Ocean Global Wealth
AttendeeAnnalisa Clifford Gold
Annalisa Clifford Gold
Centered Wealth
AttendeeRonnie Colvin
Ronnie Colvin
French Press Financial
AttendeeCaitlin Cook
Caitlin Cook
Onramp Invest
AttendeeDaniel Costigan
Daniel Costigan
AttendeeKaren Coyne
Karen Coyne
Clarity Planning
AttendeeBrendan Crews
Brendan Crews
Daviman Financial
AttendeeVirg Cristobal
Virg Cristobal
AttendeeTyler Current
Tyler Current
First Kentucky Securities
AttendeeMelissa Currie
Melissa Currie
AttendeeCathy Curtis
Cathy Curtis
Curtis Financial Planning
AttendeeSaundra Davis
Saundra Davis
Sage Financial Solutions
AttendeeSamuel Deane
Samuel Deane
Deane Wealth Management
AttendeeDavid DeCelle
David DeCelle
Model FA
AttendeeLei Deng
Lei Deng
Core Planning
AttendeeRJ Devick
RJ Devick
Bond&Devick Wealth Partners
AttendeeAshley Dixon
Ashley Dixon
My Money Person LLC
AttendeeRobert Dreizler
Robert Dreizler
Protected Investors of America
AttendeeSteven Drost
Steven Drost
Drost Financial
AttendeeKaitlyn Duchien
Kaitlyn Duchien
Palladium Group
AttendeeShanna Due
Shanna Due
District Capital Management
AttendeeKamila Elliott
Kamila Elliott
AttendeePaul Ellis
Paul Ellis
Paul Ellis Consulting
AttendeeColton Etherton
Colton Etherton
Out of the Office Planning
AttendeeDani Fava
Dani Fava
AttendeePresley Fee
Presley Fee
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
AttendeeRuss Ford
Russ Ford
Wayfinder Financial
AttendeeShannon Foreman
Shannon Foreman
Forethought Planning
AttendeeScott Frank
Scott Frank
Stone Steps Financial
AttendeeJade Friedensohn
Jade Friedensohn
DealCatalyst, INC.
AttendeeJo Ellen Fritz
Jo Ellen Fritz
Balanced Financial Planning, Inc.
AttendeeAnya Gage
Anya Gage
Centered Wealth
AttendeeAnn Garcia
Ann Garcia
*not disclosed
AttendeeMichael Garry
Michael Garry
Yardley Wealth Management
AttendeeTom Gartner
Tom Gartner
ISC Financial Advisors
AttendeeCarla Gentry
Carla Gentry
AttendeeJeffrey Gitterman
Jeffrey Gitterman
Gitterman Wealth Management
AttendeeJessica Goedtel
Jessica Goedtel
Pavillion Financial Planning
AttendeeRobert J. Goellner
Robert J. Goellner
Common Interests, LLC
AttendeeToni Gonzales
Toni Gonzales
Ohio National Financial Services
AttendeeChristina Gonzalez
Christina Gonzalez
A Dance With Finance
AttendeeMegan Gorman
Megan Gorman
AttendeeAsad Gourani
Asad Gourani
AG Wealth Management
AttendeeKimberly Griego-Kiel
Kimberly Griego-Kiel
Horizons Sustainable Financial Services
AttendeeSharon Grinestaff
Sharon Grinestaff
Shariden Consulting and Wealth Management, LLC
AttendeeMarsha Guerrier
Marsha Guerrier
Her Suite Spot
AttendeeCristina Guglielmetti
Cristina Guglielmetti
Future Perfect Planning
AttendeeMary Kate Gulick
Mary Kate Gulick
Carson Group
AttendeeJan Habash
Jan Habash
Habash Wealth Management
AttendeeMatthew Halloran
Matthew Halloran
AttendeeTorie Happe
Torie Happe
AttendeeKyle Happe
Kyle Happe
Backstop Compliance Consulting
AttendeeAshley Harlan
Ashley Harlan
Ashley Na'Trice Financial Consultants
AttendeeJosh Harris
Josh Harris
JW Financial Guidance
AttendeeBen Henry-Moreland
Ben Henry-Moreland
Freelance Financial Planning
AttendeeSheryl Hickerson
Sheryl Hickerson
Females And Finance
AttendeeTJ Hill
TJ Hill
Asset Map
AttendeeSeth Hodes
Seth Hodes
Able Wealth Management
AttendeeJames Holland
James Holland
MillenniuM Investment & Retirement Advisors, LLC
AttendeeJon Holmgren
Jon Holmgren
Freedom Financial Partners
AttendeeWilliam Holtsman
William Holtsman
Benton Roberson CPA’s LLP
AttendeeJamie Hopkins
Jamie Hopkins
Carson Group
AttendeeKimberly Houston
Kimberly Houston
Kaydan Wealth Management
AttendeeAlexandra Hunter
Alexandra Hunter
AttendeeDmitriy Ioselevich
Dmitriy Ioselevich
17 Communications
AttendeeDave Ireland
Dave Ireland
SS&C Technologies
AttendeeLuna Jaffe
Luna Jaffe
Luna Jaffe & Wild Money
AttendeeShemina Jiwani
Shemina Jiwani
AscendantFX Capital
AttendeeTommi Johnsen
Tommi Johnsen
*not disclosed
AttendeeJulie Johnson
Julie Johnson
XY Communication
AttendeeCarrie Jones
Carrie Jones
Delegated Planning
AttendeeMelissa Joy
Melissa Joy
Pearl Planning
AttendeeAndrew Katz-Moses
Andrew Katz-Moses
Katz-Moses Financial
AttendeeJanice Kitzman
Janice Kitzman
Cascade Investment Compliance
AttendeeJohann Klaassen
Johann Klaassen
Horizons Sustainable Financial Services, Inc.
AttendeeBrett Koeppel
Brett Koeppel
Eudaimonia Wealth
AttendeeCamille Koppenberg
Camille Koppenberg
Asset Advisors
AttendeeElena Krasnow
Elena Krasnow
AttendeeKathryn Kubiak-Rizzone
Kathryn Kubiak-Rizzone
Values Added Financial
AttendeeDiahann Lassus
Diahann Lassus
Peapack Private Wealth Management
AttendeeRachel Lawrence
Rachel Lawrence
AttendeeGerri Leder
Gerri Leder
LederMark Communications
AttendeeBradley Leimer
Bradley Leimer
Unconventional Ventures
AttendeeLinda Leitz
Linda Leitz
Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc.
AttendeeLindsey Lewis
Lindsey Lewis
The American College
AttendeeLouis Leyes
Louis Leyes
Stages Planning Group
AttendeeAaron Lieberman
Aaron Lieberman
Marathon Wealth Management, Inc.
AttendeeAna Limon
Ana Limon
Carson Group
AttendeeWilson Liu
Wilson Liu
Stone Steps Financial
AttendeeMariana Llamas
Mariana Llamas
Xena Financial Planning
AttendeeJustin Long
Justin Long
Diazo Wealth Group
AttendeeTrent MacKeen
Trent MacKeen
First Wealth Advisors
AttendeeKevin Mahoney
Kevin Mahoney
AttendeeBonnie Maize
Bonnie Maize
Maize Financial
AttendeeMarcia Mantell
Marcia Mantell
Mantell Retirement Consulting, Inc
AttendeeKenneth Marino
Kenneth Marino
Neuberger Berman
AttendeeLeslie Marshall
Leslie Marshall
Morningstar Inc.
AttendeeCarolyn McClanahan
Carolyn McClanahan
Life Planning Partners, Inc.
AttendeeTarah McMaster
Tarah McMaster
Women In Capital Markets
AttendeeDevon McNamara
Devon McNamara
Cambridge Investment Research
AttendeeCourtney McQuade
Courtney McQuade
Courtney McQuade
AttendeeDana Menard
Dana Menard
Twin Cities Wealth Strategies
AttendeeMalique Micenheimer
Malique Micenheimer
AttendeeMatt Middleton
Matt Middleton
Advisor Circle
AttendeeAcie Middleton
Acie Middleton
rebel Financial
AttendeeLeighann Miko
Leighann Miko
Equalis Financial
AttendeeRubin Miller
Rubin Miller
Perspective Wealth Partners
AttendeeEthan Miller
Ethan Miller
Planning for Progress
AttendeeMax Mintz
Max Mintz
Common Interests, LLC
AttendeeBrian Money
Brian Money
Carson Group
AttendeeJimmy Moock
Jimmy Moock
Street Cred PR
AttendeeMaree Moscati
Maree Moscati
AttendeeAllan Moskowitz
Allan Moskowitz
Transformative Wealth Management, LLC
AttendeeArlene Moss
Arlene Moss
XY Planning Network
AttendeeKelsey Mowrey
Kelsey Mowrey
Motley Fool Asset Management
AttendeeWendy Moyers
Wendy Moyers
Chevy Chase Trust Investment Advisors
AttendeeJennifer Mulder
Jennifer Mulder
Pathway Financial Services
AttendeeCheryl Nash
Cheryl Nash
AttendeeMindy Neira
Mindy Neira
Modera Wealth Management
AttendeeMark Newfield
Mark Newfield
Bleakley Financial Group
AttendeeBonnie Noble
Bonnie Noble
FA Match
AttendeeSovaida Noronha
Sovaida Noronha
Advisor Circle
AttendeeTyler Olson
Tyler Olson
Olson Consulting
AttendeeVictor Orozco
Victor Orozco
Bair Financial Planning
AttendeeSloane Ortel
Sloane Ortel
Invest Vegan
AttendeeEllen Osthus
Ellen Osthus
Feathered Paddle Wealth Advisors
AttendeeKavi Pandian
Kavi Pandian
Katz-Moses Financial
AttendeeDani Parris-Exline
Dani Parris-Exline
Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc.
AttendeeMatthew Patsky
Matthew Patsky
Trillium Asset Management, LLC
AttendeeChristopher Peck
Christopher Peck
Natural Investments
AttendeeGuy Penn
Guy Penn
Core Planning
AttendeeJina Penn-Tracy
Jina Penn-Tracy
Centered Wealth
AttendeeKiersten Peshek
Kiersten Peshek
Citrine Capital
AttendeeKeena Pettijohn
Keena Pettijohn
Lifelogixs Strategic Consultancy Group
AttendeeTammira Philippe
Tammira Philippe
AttendeePenny Phillips
Penny Phillips
Journey Strategic Wealth
AttendeeKyle Playford
Kyle Playford
Freedom Financial Partners
AttendeeBrian Portnoy
Brian Portnoy
Shaping Wealth
AttendeeJustin Pritchard
Justin Pritchard
Approach Financial
AttendeeCici Prsha
Cici Prsha
CJN Communications, Inc.
AttendeeCici Prsha
Cici Prsha
CJN Communications
AttendeeDerick Punzalan
Derick Punzalan
TIAA Kaspick
AttendeeEfi Pylarinou
Efi Pylarinou
Pylarinou Advisory
AttendeeBrady Quirk-Garvan
Brady Quirk-Garvan
Natural Investments
AttendeeCristiane Rachid
Cristiane Rachid
GKN Automotive
AttendeeJulie Rains
Julie Rains
Hall and Rowe Media LLC
AttendeeCourtney Ranstrom
Courtney Ranstrom
Trailhead Planners
AttendeeTyler Reeves
Tyler Reeves
Plimsoll Financial Planning
AttendeeRonnie Reyes
Ronnie Reyes
Fidelity Investments
AttendeeMichael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds
Elevation Finacial
AttendeeCarl Richards
Carl Richards
Behavior Gap
AttendeeMatthew Ricks
Matthew Ricks
Haystack Financial Planning
AttendeeGabe Rissman
Gabe Rissman
AttendeeValerie Rivera
Valerie Rivera
*not disclosed
AttendeeBela Robbins
Bela Robbins
Elara Consulting Group
AttendeeEric Rodriguez, CFP®
Eric Rodriguez, CFP®
WeathBuilders, LLC
AttendeeAndrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers
Carson Group
AttendeeKian Salehizadeh
Kian Salehizadeh
AttendeeJacque Saltsman
Jacque Saltsman
Wildly Rising
AttendeeStephanie Sammons
Stephanie Sammons
Sammons Wealth Management LLC
AttendeeMax Schatzow
Max Schatzow
RIA Lawyers
AttendeeKristen Schmidt
Kristen Schmidt
RIA Oasis
AttendeeDavid Schreiber
David Schreiber
AttendeeTaylor Schulte
Taylor Schulte
Define Financial
AttendeeMohna Shah
Mohna Shah
Motley Fool Wealth Management
AttendeeAbbie Sheridan
Abbie Sheridan
Green Rose
AttendeeLiz Simmie
Liz Simmie
Honeytree Investment Management
AttendeeMeredith Sims
Meredith Sims
Heart Strong Wealth Planning
AttendeeShabana Siyed
Shabana Siyed
AttendeeRachel Sloan
Rachel Sloan
Sloane Advisory Group
AttendeeCory Smith
Cory Smith
Traverse Planning
AttendeeMarypat Smucker
Marypat Smucker
Parallelle Finance
AttendeePaul Sommerstad
Paul Sommerstad
Cerity Partners
AttendeeJorge Soriano
Jorge Soriano
Financial Optimist
AttendeeMichelle Steward
Michelle Steward
Financially Aligned
AttendeeJohn Stoj
John Stoj
Verbatim Financial
AttendeeMary Beth Storjohann
Mary Beth Storjohann
AttendeeAlison Susko
Alison Susko
AttendeeLindsey Swanson
Lindsey Swanson
Stripper Financial Planning
AttendeeC. Jordan Taylor
C. Jordan Taylor
Edward Jones
AttendeeHolly Testa
Holly Testa
First Affirmative Financial Network
AttendeeZach Teutsch
Zach Teutsch
Values Added Financial
AttendeeWilliam Thompson
William Thompson
Valor Wealth Partners
AttendeeEric Toya
Eric Toya
AttendeeSimon Tryzna
Simon Tryzna
Palo Alto Wealth Advisors
AttendeeCarrie VanWinkle
Carrie VanWinkle
Natural Investments
AttendeeFelipe Venegas
Felipe Venegas
Commonwealth Planning Group
AttendeeDanika Waddell
Danika Waddell
Xena Financial Planning
AttendeeKelly Waltrich
Kelly Waltrich
AttendeeJill Watson
Jill Watson
AttendeePhilip Weights
Philip Weights
Swiss Finance + Technology
AttendeeAri Weisbard
Ari Weisbard
Values Added Financial
AttendeeJason Wenk
Jason Wenk
AttendeeIan Williams
Ian Williams
ZNW Management and Consultancy Limited
AttendeeTremaine Wills
Tremaine Wills
Mind Over Money, LLC
AttendeeDana Wilson
Dana Wilson
CHIP Professionals
AttendeeMichelle Wong
Michelle Wong
Nifty Advisor Support
AttendeeDavid Wood
David Wood
Gateway Financial Partners, LLC
AttendeeJoe Wride
Joe Wride
Crafted Finance
AttendeeHan Xue
Han Xue
Zen Wealth Advisors
AttendeeDiana Yanez
Diana Yanez
All The Colors
AttendeeNathan Yates
Nathan Yates
ForwardView Consulting
AttendeeMichael Young
Michael Young
AttendeeGreg Young
Greg Young
Ahead Full Wealth Management, LLC
AttendeeMike Zung
Mike Zung
Java Wealth Planning
The following speakers pledged to speak at only conferences that meet the Choir Pledge Standards.
Anna Smukowski
Anna Smukowski
SpeakerKamales Lardi
Kamales Lardi
SpeakerAngela Atherton
Angela Atherton
Parallelle Finance
SpeakerDiana Bacon
Diana Bacon
Apella Capital
SpeakerMarci Bair
Marci Bair
Bair Financial Planning
SpeakerRenée Baker
Renée Baker
Raymond James
SpeakerKathi Balasek
Kathi Balasek
Kathi Balasek Consulting
SpeakerLaura Barry
Laura Barry
Wealthspire Advisors
SpeakerAnjali Batra
Anjali Batra
Central District Alliance BID
SpeakerCorey Beal
Corey Beal
Empowering Finance
SpeakerEssma Bengabsia
Essma Bengabsia
SpeakerStephanie Bogan
Stephanie Bogan
Limitless Advisor Coaching
SpeakerKatie Braden
Katie Braden
Innovating Advice
SpeakerMegan Brinsfield
Megan Brinsfield
Motley Fool Wealth Management
SpeakerLisa Bruce
Lisa Bruce
SpeakerKathleen Burns Kingsbury
Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
KBK Wealth Connection
SpeakerTheresa Carey
Theresa Carey
SpeakerJustin Castelli
Justin Castelli
RLS Wealth
SpeakerAlex Chalekian
Alex Chalekian
Lake Avenue Financial
SpeakerMarguerita Cheng
Marguerita Cheng
Blue Ocean Global Wealth
SpeakerCaitlin Cook
Caitlin Cook
Onramp Invest
SpeakerKim Ann Curtin
Kim Ann Curtin
The Wall Street Coach
SpeakerCathy Curtis
Cathy Curtis
Curtis Financial Planning
SpeakerSaundra Davis
Saundra Davis
Sage Financial Solutions
SpeakerSonya Dreizler
Sonya Dreizler
Solutions with Sonya
SpeakerPeter Dunn
Peter Dunn
Pete the Planner
SpeakerBlair duQuesnay
Blair duQuesnay
Ritholtz Wealth Management
SpeakerPaul Ellis
Paul Ellis
Paul Ellis Consulting
SpeakerKimberly Evans
Kimberly Evans
SpeakerScott Frank
Scott Frank
Stone Steps Financial
SpeakerLiv Gagnon
Liv Gagnon
Portaga Creative
SpeakerRobert J. Goellner
Robert J. Goellner
Common Interests, LLC
SpeakerChristina Gonzalez
Christina Gonzalez
A Dance With Finance
SpeakerMegan Gorman
Megan Gorman
SpeakerKimberly Griego-Kiel
Kimberly Griego-Kiel
Horizons Sustainable Financial Services
SpeakerMatthew Halloran
Matthew Halloran
SpeakerAshley Harlan
Ashley Harlan
Ashley Na'Trice Financial Consultants
SpeakerJosh Harris
Josh Harris
JW Financial Guidance
SpeakerSheryl Hickerson
Sheryl Hickerson
Females And Finance
SpeakerJulie Johnson
Julie Johnson
XY Communication
SpeakerAndrew Katz-Moses
Andrew Katz-Moses
Katz-Moses Financial
SpeakerJanice Kitzman
Janice Kitzman
Cascade Investment Compliance
SpeakerJohann Klaassen
Johann Klaassen
Horizons Sustainable Financial Services, Inc.
SpeakerAlice Korngold
Alice Korngold
Korngold Consulting LLC
SpeakerSonia Kowal
Sonia Kowal
Zevin Asset Management
SpeakerMichael Kramer
Michael Kramer
Natural Investments
SpeakerJason Lahita
Jason Lahita
StreetCred PR
SpeakerLinda Leitz
Linda Leitz
Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc.
SpeakerJulie Macc
Julie Macc
Simple Money Choices
SpeakerTrent MacKeen
Trent MacKeen
First Wealth Advisors
SpeakerBarb MacLean
Barb MacLean
SpeakerMarcia Mantell
Marcia Mantell
Mantell Retirement Consulting, Inc
SpeakerLeslie Marshall
Leslie Marshall
Morningstar Inc.
SpeakerCarolyn McClanahan
Carolyn McClanahan
Life Planning Partners, Inc.
SpeakerKathleen McQuiggan
Kathleen McQuiggan
Artemis Financial Advisors
SpeakerMax Mintz
Max Mintz
Common Interests, LLC
SpeakerJimmy Moock
Jimmy Moock
Street Cred PR
SpeakerMaree Moscati
Maree Moscati
SpeakerKelsey Mowrey
Kelsey Mowrey
Motley Fool Asset Management
SpeakerAnna N’Jie-Konte
Anna N’Jie-Konte
SpeakerDave Nadig
Dave Nadig
ETF Trends
SpeakerSheryl O’Connor
Sheryl O’Connor
SpeakerVictor Orozco
Victor Orozco
Bair Financial Planning
SpeakerSloane Ortel
Sloane Ortel
Invest Vegan
SpeakerKavi Pandian
Kavi Pandian
Katz-Moses Financial
SpeakerMatthew Patsky
Matthew Patsky
Trillium Asset Management, LLC
SpeakerJina Penn-Tracy
Jina Penn-Tracy
Centered Wealth
SpeakerKeena Pettijohn
Keena Pettijohn
Lifelogixs Strategic Consultancy Group
SpeakerMaya Philipson
Maya Philipson
Adasina Social Capital
SpeakerMichael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds
Elevation Finacial
SpeakerCarl Richards
Carl Richards
Behavior Gap
SpeakerBela Robbins
Bela Robbins
Elara Consulting Group
SpeakerEric Rodriguez, CFP®
Eric Rodriguez, CFP®
WeathBuilders, LLC
SpeakerAndrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers
Carson Group
SpeakerAndrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers
Carson Group
SpeakerApril Rudin
April Rudin
The Rudin Group
SpeakerSamantha Russell
Samantha Russell
Twenty Over Ten
SpeakerPamela J. Sams
Pamela J. Sams
Jackson Sams Wealth Strategies
SpeakerJohnny Sandquist
Johnny Sandquist
Three Crowns
SpeakerKristen Schmidt
Kristen Schmidt
RIA Oasis
SpeakerTaylor Schulte
Taylor Schulte
Define Financial
SpeakerMatthew Sekol
Matthew Sekol
SpeakerRyan Shanks
Ryan Shanks
FA Match
SpeakerDenise Shull
Denise Shull
The ReThink Group Inc
SpeakerShana Sissel
Shana Sissel
Strategic Wealth Partners
SpeakerJorge Soriano
Jorge Soriano
Financial Optimist
SpeakerGavin Spitzner
Gavin Spitzner
Wealth Consulting Partners
SpeakerSara Stanich
Sara Stanich
Cultivating Wealth
SpeakerMichelle Steward
Michelle Steward
Financially Aligned
SpeakerMary Beth Storjohann
Mary Beth Storjohann
SpeakerC. Jordan Taylor
C. Jordan Taylor
Edward Jones
SpeakerHolly Testa
Holly Testa
First Affirmative Financial Network
SpeakerZach Teutsch
Zach Teutsch
Values Added Financial
SpeakerShanna B. Tiayon
Shanna B. Tiayon
Yes Wellbeing Works
SpeakerCarrie VanWinkle
Carrie VanWinkle
Natural Investments
SpeakerCarrie VanWinkle
Carrie VanWinkle
Natural Investments
SpeakerKelly Waltrich
Kelly Waltrich
SpeakerJill Watson
Jill Watson
SpeakerJason Wenk
Jason Wenk
SpeakerTremaine Wills
Tremaine Wills
Mind Over Money, LLC
SpeakerDavid Wood
David Wood
Gateway Financial Partners, LLC
SpeakerHan Xue
Han Xue
Zen Wealth Advisors
SpeakerDaniel Yerger
Daniel Yerger
My Wealth Planners
SpeakerMarwa Zakharia
Marwa Zakharia
SpeakerEvent Sponsors
The following companies pledged to sponsor only conferences that meet the Choir Pledge Standards.

Gregory Allen
CFP Board
Laura Barry
Wealthspire Advisors
Anjali Batra
Central District Alliance BID
Marla Dalton
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Kimberly Griego-Kiel
Horizons Sustainable Financial Services
Matthew Halloran
Janice Kitzman
Cascade Investment Compliance
Alice Korngold
Korngold Consulting LLC
Sonia Kowal
Zevin Asset Management
Jason Lahita
StreetCred PR
Kathleen McQuiggan
Artemis Financial Advisors
Kelsey Mowrey
Motley Fool Asset Management
Matthew Patsky
Trillium Asset Management, LLC
Jina Penn-Tracy
Centered Wealth
Cici Prsha
CJN Communications
Eric Rodriguez, CFP®
WeathBuilders, LLC
Jorge Soriano
Financial Optimist
Amy Thacker
First Affirmative Financial Network
Kelly Waltrich
Jason Wenk
Tremaine Wills
Mind Over Money, LLC
David Wood
Gateway Financial Partners, LLC